Coro Allegro is pleased to be participating in the Mass Cultural Council's Card to Culture program.
An update from Coro Allegro's Board President Bonnie McFarlane: Thanks to your support our online programming continues. Please join us Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 4pm EDT for "A Conversation Still Needed: William Grant Still and Black Lives." Then save the date for a June virtual concert celebrating GALA Choruses.
A Letter from Bonnie McFarlane, Newly Elected President of the Board of Directors
Celebrate Global Pride, Saturday, June 27 2020 with Coro Allegro, Boston's LGBTQ+ and allied classical chorus. Proceeds benefit the Keep Coro Going campaign plus three community partners working for justice for Black Lives, locally, nationally, and internationally.
It's time for us all to show up for the Black community.
Support Coro Allegro this May as we walk, move, and make things happen to keep Boston's LGBTQ+ and allied classical chorus going!
It is with the deepest regret that Coro Allegro learned this evening that Harvard University had cancelled all events in Sanders Theatre effective immediately through April 30 due to public health concerns. As a result we have no choice but to cancel our concert Shofar: In Memoriam, which was to take place on Sunday, March 8, at 3pm in Sanders Theatre.
Coro Allegro is auctioning "Shofar," a painting by the artist Susan Pepper Aisenberg, the generous gift of Catherine Madsen, the librettist of Robert Stern's oratorio "Shofar."
Proceeds of this auction will support Coro Allegro's concert "Shofar: In Memoriam," in honor of beloved Massachusetts artists, Robert Stern, Sanford Sylvan, and Donald Wilkinson, Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 3pm in Sanders Theatre, Cambridge, MA.
A program note from Artistic Director David Hodgkins for Coro Allegro's upcoming concert in honor of Robert Stern, Sanford Sylvan, and Donald Wilkinson, "Shofar: In Memoriam," Sunday, March 8 at 3pm at Sanders Theatre.
Coro Allegro hosts the directors of Boston's three Jewish choruses in a panel discussion on Shofar and Jewish choral music in a time of broken covenants and division.