Keep Coro Allegro Going!
Support Coro Allegro singers this May as we walk, move, and make things happen to keep Boston's LGBTQ+ and allied classical chorus going!

"You'll never walk alone."
These were the last words we sang for a live audience this season in a concert of diverse composers honoring equality, freedom, and the service of all. When we looked out at our audience we saw applause, tears, and nodding heads. As baritone soloist Philip Lima noted, “The whole program was an affirmation of our shared humanity. I was glad to be part of it.”
The words we sang and the affirmation from our community still resonate, even though we have not been able to sing for a live audience since. In March, Coro Allegro became the first nonprofit in Boston to have a concert, Shofar: In Memoriam, canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Since then we have had to reschedule our season finale, Letters to Our Children: Voices across Generations for LGBTQ+ Youth and our dream of bringing its important message to the international GALA Choruses Festival this summer. The loss of revenue from these cascading cancellations present a serious financial challenge to Coro's sustainability.
Yet in the isolation of this pandemic, Coro's mission of building bridges has never seemed so important. All over the world, we are seeing music's power to remind us of our shared humanity and lift up our communities in time of need.
All of us in varying degrees are struggling to adjust to quarantine, to take care of ourselves and each other at a distance, to speak out against the inequities this pandemic has laid bare, to mourn our losses, and just make it through. Coro Allegro stands strong with you as we weather these unprecedented obstacles, but we cannot move forward without your support.
Coro needs your help to ensure a future where we can raise our voices together with you again.
In times of crisis, it’s natural to reach out to family, friends, co-workers and even strangers to find the human connection that binds us. This month our singers would normally be asking Family & friends to sponsor them in Boston's Walk for Music. Since we can't walk together this year, we are asking you to support a different type of campaign.
Please sponsor our efforts to raise funds for Coro through May 21.
TOGETHER WE MOVE. TOGETHER WE GIVE. Whether you can give $5, $50, or $500, all of our gifts together will add up to make a difference.
While we can’t be together right now, we can still support each other's causes, make each other smile, and remind each other that WE'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.